
Subtyping is a concept frequently encountered in many programming languages. Many languages with parametric polymorphism allow users to impose upper bounds to the type variables. This feature is captured in System F<: , which has been studied quite thoroughly in the literature. Languages like Scala also allow programmers to constrain type variables to be supertypes of certain types. In this project, we examine the effect of combining the relations of subtyping and supertyping into a single judgment with a mode of relationship.This allows us to study calculi with both upper bounds and lower bounds imposed on type variables, and to simplify the subtyping transitivity proof in some cases. For the project, we examined several type systems with a generalized subtyping judgment that expresses both subtyping and supertyping relations. Doing so allows us to examine properties of specific type systems where a lower bound can be imposed on a type variable,and sometimes allow us to simplify the subtyping transitivity proof by utilizing the duality of subtyping and supertyping.