
For modern programming languages, a systematic approach for establishing usability and reliability is to first have a formalized and verified core language guarded by a type system. In this talk, I will present a type-directed operational semantics (TDOS) approach to model disjoint intersection types, and studies three calculi Lambdai, Lambdai+, and Fi+, serving as a new foundation for Compositional Programming.

Compositional Programming is a recently proposed programming style. Its prototype language CP supports multiple inheritance in a type-safe way and provides simple solutions to modularity problems that are hard for conventional object-oriented programming and functional programming languages. At the core of CP is Fi+, a polymorphic calculus that supports a symmetric merge operator with subtyping. The merge operator generalizes record concatenation to any type, enabling expressive forms of object composition.

Due to its flexibility and ambiguity, the merge operator lacks a satisfying direct operational semantics. Prior systems usually define the runtime semantics indirectly by elaborating the source expressions into a target language. In contrast, the TDOS approach gives a semantics to Fi+ directly. Besides being deterministic and type sound, the new calculus supports additional features such as recursion and impredicative polymorphism.

As an essential part of the TDOS design, we show a novel algorithm for the subtyping of intersection types with distributive laws. In this formulation, types that decompose into two smaller parts are characterized by splittable types. This allows a simple proof of transitivity and the modular addition of distributivity rules without pre-processing on types. We then extend this idea to union types and present an algorithmic formulation of subtyping based on the minimal relevant logic B+.